When being followed by a tailgater, some drivers will respond by “brake checking” the other car. This just means that they suddenly and unexpectedly stomp on their brakes. The quick reduction in speed is designed to get the tailgater to back up. They almost get...
After Accidents
Month: July 2024
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Car accident compensation beyond medical bills
When people seek compensation after a car accident, they often begin with their medical bills. Maybe they suffered a traumatic brain injury in the car crash, and they had to spend a week in the hospital. It cost tens of thousands of dollars, and they want to be...
How container ships can put longshoremen at risk
Longshoremen are blue-collar workers who perform jobs at harbors. Their jobs are partially terrestrial and partially maritime. While they may load and unload off of docks, they may also have to enter or access vessels. Therefore, there are substantially more workplace...