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After Accidents

Car accident compensation beyond medical bills

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2024 | Auto Accidents

When people seek compensation after a car accident, they often begin with their medical bills. Maybe they suffered a traumatic brain injury in the car crash, and they had to spend a week in the hospital. It cost tens of thousands of dollars, and they want to be compensated because they didn’t cause the accident. Another driver was negligent and should be responsible.

This is a good place to begin when seeking compensation. But injured parties should not assume that this is the only compensation they deserve.

Long-term costs

For example, there are many long-term medical costs that may also be included. If you were injured, perhaps you will now need in-home services for months or years to come. Maybe you’re living with a permanent disability, and you’ll be on medication or you’ll need to go to rehabilitation. These medical bills can continue to mount long after you initially get out of the hospital.

Changes to your earnings

Another thing to think about is how the car accident may have changed your income or your ability to earn. This often does begin with immediate costs. If you spent a week in the hospital, that’s a week of wages you missed out on.

But once again, you also have to think of the long-term impact. If you have a permanent disability, that’s going to drastically reduce your earning capacity in the future. You may have lost a substantial amount of future income that you expected to earn, all because of the car accident. You may still deserve compensation.

The legal process

It’s important to carefully consider all types of compensation before accepting a settlement or any other type of legal agreement. Make sure you know exactly what options you have.