When being followed by a tailgater, some drivers will respond by “brake checking” the other car. This just means that they suddenly and unexpectedly stomp on their brakes. The quick reduction in speed is designed to get the tailgater to back up. They almost get...
After Accidents
Auto Accidents
Car accident compensation beyond medical bills
When people seek compensation after a car accident, they often begin with their medical bills. Maybe they suffered a traumatic brain injury in the car crash, and they had to spend a week in the hospital. It cost tens of thousands of dollars, and they want to be...
Go to the doctor after a wreck, even with minor injuries
You get into a car accident, and you’re fortunate not to be seriously injured. You’re able to climb out of the wreckage and sit on the side of the road, waiting for emergency response crews to get to the scene. When those crews arrive, they ask you if you would like...
Should you stop driving in the fog?
Fog can be a very complex hazard for drivers. It may not technically affect the road surface the way that rain or snow would, but it does impact visibility. It can also come on very suddenly. A driver may have clear roads for the majority of their trip and then...
Maintaining a proper following distance
Whenever you drive, it is very important to be aware of your following distance, or the distance between the front bumper of your car and the rear bumper of the next car on the road. You do not actually have to measure the physical distance. How much space you need...
Why this is of the most dangerous times to be on the road
As we “spring forward” this month with the start of daylight saving time (DST), it’s important to remember that these one-hour changes twice a year affect some people more than others. While you may think it’s silly than losing an hour throws some people off for days...
3 times when driving is more dangerous than usual
The one consistent truth about motor vehicle collisions is that they can potentially happen anywhere and at any time. People pick up their mobile phones while running errands on the weekend or drive home drunk from the bar on a Thursday night. The possibility of a...
Could you have internal injuries after a wreck?
Car wrecks happen every day, under all kinds of circumstances. If you’re in one, you may count yourself lucky to be able to get up and walk away – but don’t be so certain that you’re unharmed. It’s not uncommon for people to suffer serious internal injuries in a crash...
Why do most car accidents happen close to home?
Surprisingly, statistics reveal that more than half of car accidents happen in the familiar surroundings of one’s neighborhood. Exploring the reasons behind this surprising phenomenon can offer insights you need to stay safe on the roadways. The proximity of accidents...
Can you get hit by a car in a parking lot?
Parking lots, those seemingly mundane spaces where people leave their vehicles, can unexpectedly become a zone of danger. Parking lot accidents are more common than many realize. In fact, auto-pedestrian accidents in parking lots can cause serious, if not...