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Why are bald tires on a vehicle dangerous?

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2025 | Auto Accidents

Maintenance is one of the most important parts of owning a vehicle. While people think about things like having oil changes and putting gas in their vehicles, they may overlook the importance of tire maintenance. 

Ensuring a vehicle’s tires are in good condition is critical for safety. Once tires become too worn out, they become a hazard to everyone on the road. A tire with a tread depth of 2/32 inches or less is considered bald and unsafe for driving because the bald areas are weak. 

Dangers of a weakened tire

One of the primary risks of having bald tires on a vehicle is the tire blowing out. There’s also a risk of the driver being unable to brake when necessary or hydroplaning in wet conditions. These could cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle, which means it’s a moving projectile that can slam into other vehicles.

There’s no safe way to drive with a tire that is bald. Even if some of the tire isn’t bald, it’s still not safe to drive on because it only takes a small weak area to cause a catastrophic problem. The only safe way to deal with a bald tire is to replace it with a tire that has a suitable tread depth.

Victims of crashes caused by bald tires may need urgent medical care for their injuries. That can be a costly undertaking that is sometimes long-term. Victims of these wrecks may decide that they want to seek compensation for those financial damages, but this must be done quickly after the crash.