An oil field is an environment in which workers must stay protected and safe. Gas wells are often located in close proximity to the workers, and there are many different types of gas that can lead to injuries. If you work in an oil field, here are the main types of dangerous gases that you may get exposed to.
Hydrogen sulfide
This gas has a strong and unpleasant odor that is similar to rotten eggs. It works as an anesthesia agent and can also lead to coma or death if you get exposed for too long. The main way that you’ll be able to identify whether the gas is hydrogen sulfide is through smell; it has no color or taste, so you won’t be able to detect it through other senses. You should always notify your employer if you notice this gas getting emitted anywhere at your workplace.
Carbon monoxide
This gas is produced by machinery. It can make you feel weak or nauseous if it’s at high levels. At lower amounts, you may experience flu-like symptoms, including headaches and dizziness. The gas might lead to workers’ compensation claims because workers often don’t realize they’ve gotten exposed to it until they’re too ill to continue working. Just like hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide can lead to death.
This is a colorless, tasteless and odorless gas. It is also very flammable, so you should be very careful if your work area produces it. Methane is one of the most hazardous gases because it can cause workers to pass out or feel drowsy. It’s important not to confuse methane with other types of dangerous gases, including ethylene and propane, which are also flammable.
Workers must be careful to avoid these gases in oil fields for their own safety. If you find yourself exposed to dangerous levels of any type of toxic gas at your workplace, seek medical help so that your health gets restored and you get the workers’ comp benefits you deserve.