- Lawmakers Seek Federal ‘Oversight’ Of Workers’ Comp As States Limit Benefits
- Judge Grants Restraining Order Against Company Over Scaffolding Collapse
- Study Shows Caffeine May Help Prevent Truck Accidents
- Severely Injured Texas Seaman Sues Employer For Jones Act Damages
- The Jones Act: Federal Relief For Seaman Work Injury And Death
- Speed Limiters On Semis Show Impressive Safety Benefits
- No More Hand-Held Phones For Commercial Truck And Bus Drivers
- Jefferson County Lawsuit Renews Texas Texting While Driving Debate
- Parents Can Set The Example For Teens To Drive Safely
- Motor Vehicle Accidents And Recovery
- Study says Texas guardrail design could be dangerous
- Study: Current legal limit still leaves impaired TX drivers on the road
- New Year Drunk Driving Risk
- Feeling the heat: Protecting outside workers from heat stroke in Texas
- Report: Workers’ injuries in Texas often poorly documented
- Workplace injuries in Texas could lead to income inequality